If you have a cold air intake or the air filter box remove that first .
If you have a upper bar remove that or the one side so you lift it up and out of your way .
My car has a fuel air canister and if yours does then remove that too . The more you remove the better working area you will have .
The next thing to do is remove the brake master cylinder lines . But in my situation I didn't have to remove the master cylinder lines at all I just pulled the whole master cylinder forward .
Then remove the hose that connects to the power brake booster . Make sure you put this back on when you put the other one on .
Then you can remove the 3 nuts that hold the master cylinder to the power brake booster .
If you disconnected the lines keep the master cylinder standing up and place it somewhere it won't tip over . If you didn't remove the lines just pull the master cylinder forward and be careful you don't kink the lines or brake them .
If your car has the A/C duck for in between your legs then remove that piece .
Right by the brake pedal you remove the 4 nuts holding the power brake booster to the firewall .
If you disconnected the lines keep the master cylinder standing up and place it somewhere it won't tip over . If you didn't remove the lines just pull the master cylinder forward and be careful you don't kink the lines or brake them .
If your car has the A/C duck for in between your legs then remove that piece .
Right by the brake pedal you remove the 4 nuts holding the power brake booster to the firewall .
There is a pin and a spring that you have to remove also . Once you have that all disconnected then you can go back to the front and pull the brake booster out . Then when you put the new one in you just do it in the reverse . If you disconnected the master cylinder make sure you bleed it correctly . If you didn't disconnect your battery put something behind the pedal .
Reminder before you put the brake booster back in you have to loosen the nut so that you can adjust it to the brake pedal . Very important it matches your brake lights so that the lights don't come on to early or to late then causing a accident . Once you have completed this then you can tighten the nut back . You can adjust your brakes by using a needle nose pliers twisting the ridged area so that the handle moves forward .
ReplyDeleteI have been looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.
Hydraulic Brake Booster Supplier