This is a DIY for a brake light switch replacement on a Corolla . This can DIY can be use on most Toyota vehicles or others cause the switch is located on most cars in the same area .
Follow the brake pedal all the way up till you see where the power brake booster shaft and the pedal shaft meet . From there you will remove the small spring that keeps the pedal forward . Once you remove the spring you will see the brake light switch .
The easiest way to remove this is to unplug the switch first then with a open end wrench there is a nut that locks the switch to the frame , one you loosen that nut then you can unscrew the switch from the bracket .
Then you put the switch back , Now there is a plastic piece that the button pushes on , make sure that the plastic piece is still there and not cracked or broken , Sometimes these go first and give false readings , In this case your brake lights will stay on constantly .
Make sure you adjust the pedal to the switch , You want to as soon as you step on the brakes that the back lights come on . You must be careful you don't kill the battery when you do this cause the brake lights will stay on until switch is installed properly . Once you have it adjusted then you tighten the locking nut to the frame . Make sure you put the spring back on as well .
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